I think she is the one.

Thaiflirting.com provide very well designed and detailed search methods to find matching members. I had used the website for a while. I have learn and understand in Thai cultural in many profile of women here. Once I had a my account setup with my relationship expectations and a description of what I looking for in my partner. I had got so messages and contact requests. And then one member contacted me with the messaging tool with the cute cartoon that I was wondering who she is. Then I check out to this member profile. It was just right the kind of partner I was looking for. So I try to chatting online with her then it was so fast impressing. I continues exchanging emails and phone calls for several months. It became very clear that the next step was to go to Thailand and visit her and the family in person. Once in Thailand I realized immediately that she was exactly I dream about. And also I was just the one for her too. Then I have meet her Thai extended family lifestyle is so special for me. We have decided to move to Thailand in the future, and start a small business there. She will come to my country to try things out, but if she does like it here, I am more than happy to move to Thailand sooner. I know that things have a way of working themselves out with love, patience, perseverance and a great partner. We will have a Thai wedding for next year, and I am very excited to marry my soul mate and marry into the extended family as well. I may like to learn Thai language and learn more Thai culture. It seem so perfect to me at this time and I will be the most happy guy at that time. Thank you Thaiflirting.com
Frank and Pui