Looking for: Male 58 - 78 years old
for: Friendship, Marriage, Romance, Relationship
Weight: 40 kg - 143 kg
Height: 140 cm - 230 cm
Country: France
Languages: French, English
Nationality: Bruneian
Figure: Slender
Hair: Other
Hair length: Short
Eyes: Other
Ethnic origin: Africa, Arab, Asia, Europe, India, Other, Spanish
Religion: Buddhist, Catholic, Christian
Academic degree: Bachelor Degree, Master Degree, Other, Self-taught
Profession: Accountant, Actor, Advertiser, Aesthete, Agronome, Attorney, Business man, Consultant, Cook, Dentist, Director, Doctor, Engineer, Fireman, Graphic artist, Instructor, Journalist, Lawyer, Librarian, Musician, Official, Other, Police, Retiree, Secretary, Sportsman, Teacher, Waiter, Webmaster, Writer
Income: From 100,000 - 200,000 ฿/year, From 200,000 - 300,000 ฿/year, From 300,000 - 400,000 ฿/year, From 400,000 - 500,000 ฿/year, From 500,000 - 750,000 ฿/year, From 750,000 - 1,000,000 ฿/year, Less than 100,000 ฿/year, More than 1,000,000 ฿/year
Style: Sport
Marital Status: Single, Widowed
Children: 1-2 children, They don't live with me
Smoking Habits: I don't smoke
Drinking habits: No, thank you, Social occasions
Zodiac: Virgo
Hi this is tapesh from india and read ur all profile I m interested in u when u get free time u can msg me on my no +91 9915616271