Why Admin of TF not ban fake profiles like her ?? fake ,scammer ..
il y a 2 mois
Although her profile says that she is seeking a female, SHE sent ME a kiss. I think she is seeking more than just a female. $$$$
il y a 3 mois
Really? Her name is Phonapp (Phone App) and she has not completed her profile. She only has one photo. What do yopu think the odds are that she is FAKE, a SCAMMER ???
il y a 3 mois
il y a 3 mois
Guys, her profile states that she is looking for a female! Anybody know different ??
il y a 6 mois
Hy wie geht es dir ich komme aus Deutschland was machts du beruflich so
il y a 8 mois
I will be back in Pattaya soon if you want to meet fo lunch, dinner or other
สวัสดี..ครับ สบายดีไหม
Hello how are you
Why Admin of TF not ban fake profiles like her ?? fake ,scammer ..
Although her profile says that she is seeking a female, SHE sent ME a kiss. I think she is seeking more than just a female. $$$$
Really? Her name is Phonapp (Phone App) and she has not completed her profile. She only has one photo. What do yopu think the odds are that she is FAKE, a SCAMMER ???
Guys, her profile states that she is looking for a female! Anybody know different ??
Hy wie geht es dir ich komme aus Deutschland was machts du beruflich so
I will be back in Pattaya soon if you want to meet fo lunch, dinner or other
Nice too meet you