Suche nach: Frau 30 - 45 Jahre
für: Heirat
Land: Philippinen
Nationalität: Filipino
Figur: Athletisch, Dünn, Normal, Schlank
Haare: Andere, Blond, Ein wenig Grau, Fair, Grau, Kastanien, Kastanienbraun, Leberfarben, Rot, Schwarz, Weiss
Haarlänge: Lang, Sehr lang
Augen: Andere, Blau, Braun, Grau, Grün, Schwarz, Walnuss
Ethnische Herkunft: Asiate
Religion: Agnostiker, Atheist, Buddhist, Christ, Hinduismus, Judentum, Katholik, Moslem, Orthodoxe, Protestant, Shenism, Shintō
Akademischer Titel: Andere, Bachelor-Ebene, Doktorats-Ebene, Master-Ebene
Familienstand: Geschieden, Single, Verwitwet
Kinder: Don't want children, Ich möchte noch Kinder haben, Keine Kinder, Sie leben nicht bei mir
Looking for a good wife, she must be able to travel so a valid passport is needed. I can not travel due to my duty with the United States Marine Corps.
I AM A CAREER UNITED STATES Military Officer I work for the United States Consulate! (the Department of State, or the D.F.A. to anyone that does not understand) I AM looking for my one and only Wife . I am not currently stationed inside the United States. I will be at this duty station until July of 2026! I can not travel to without Orders from the Military. So you will have to come to me, here in this country. It will have to be the way I say you need to come. No arguments, no exceptions.
I expect my wife to work outside the house. It is necessary here and in the United States to have 2 incomes. (NO FREE RIDE HERE!)
I am a good husband, I am loyal, always faithful, I would never hit you, or treat you badly, I would never cheat on you.