Suche nach: Frau 18 - 53 Jahre
für: Freundschaft, Heirat, Romanze, Ernsthafte Beziehung
Gewicht: 40 kg - 77 kg
Grösse: 149 cm - 179 cm
Land: Australien, Österreich, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgien, Bermuda, Bosnien und Herzegowina, Brasilien, Brunei, Kambodscha, Kanada, Kap Verde, Kaimaninseln, Chile, China, Kolumbien, Kuba, Dominica, Dominikanische Republik, Ägypten, Foiklandinsln, Fidschi, Finnland, Griechenland, Grönland, Haiti, Hongkong, Ungarn, Island, Indien, Israel, Japan, Libanon, Malaysia, Malediven, Mali, Republik, Malta, Marshallinseln, Martinique, Mexiko, Nord Korea, Panama, Peru, Philippinen, Polen, Puerto Rico, Rumänien, Saudi-Arabien, Singapur, Slowakei, Slowenien, Korea, Sri Lanka, Schweden, Schweiz, Taiwan, Thailand, Großbritannien, USA, Venezuela, Vietnam, Britische Jungferninseln
Nationalität: Alle
Augen: Andere, Blau, Braun, Grau, Grün, Schwarz, Walnuss
Akademischer Titel: Andere, Autodidakt, Bachelor-Ebene, Doktorats-Ebene, Hochschulstudent, Master-Ebene, Schüler, Student der Fachhochschule, Universitätsstudent
Beruf: Agronome, Andere, Anwalt, Arbeiter, Arbeitslos, Arbeitsnehmer, Assistent, Ästhetisch, Ausbilder, Beamter, Berater, Bibliothekar, Buchhalter, Buchhändler, Computertechniker, Direktor, Doktor, Fahrer, Feuerwehrmann, Friseur, Gärtner, Geschäftsmann, Grafiker, Ingenieur, Inserent, Journalist, Kellner, Koch, Krankenpfleger, Lehrer, Maler, Militär, Musiker, Polizist, Rechtsanwalt, Rentner, Schauspieler, Schriftsteller, Sekretär, Sportler, Student, Techniker, Zahnarzt
Familienstand: Geschieden, Getrennt lebend, Single, Verwitwet
Can you care for your man as I want to care for you? I would like a very feminine lady who enjoys intimate moments as well as going to shows, dinner and more. Looking for affection. Age unimportant, but possibly looking for someone younger than me who wants a child.
I truly believe in the beauty of Asian, and all woman who are sincere and honest.
I work very hard and need someone to support and understand this. My work can lead to beautiful adventure like going to places I've never been. Places I've never been: beautiful blue water beeches, journeys to amazing waterfalls, and so much more. Will you be the one to explore with me?
Places I've been to, Las Vegas, Orlando, Myrtle Beach, NYC, Toronto, are my favorites for golf, shows, sporting events, and leisure. I would love to hold the hand of a beautiful woman and walk slowly together enjoying what life has to offer.
My dream is to live in America with someone who loves me. I want my dream to come true.

Hello, have you found that person yet? That person might be me that you are looking for.
It's better to choose someone, my love, and then get out of here together.
hello how are you
Hi how are you
I like your article, let's meet that person.
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Thx for kiss.
Thanks for kiss